The Bean Patch

Political commentary and satire, seasoned with personal experience, from the point-of-view of an ultra-conservative member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and the Patriarchy to boot.

Location: Jasper, Georgia, United States

Conservative, Baptist, family man. Married for 13 years with 4 children. Accountant by trade. Bachelor's of Business Administration from Kennesaw State University in Marietta, GA, in 1996. Graduated Cherokee High School, Canton, GA in 1991. Live in Jasper, GA.

Friday, August 25, 2006

What Is It That You Are Expecting, Mr. Nagin?

Ray Nagin, the chocolate Mayor of New Orleans, has stuck his size 12 where he comfortably keeps it in his mouth once again by saying that New Orleans is only slightly more of a dump hole than it already was because of the lack of funding from, you guessed it, the Federal government. He further pimp-slapped all of us who donated money by stating that if it had been a predominately white town, such as Orange County, CA or South Miami Beach, FL, that the city would have had "a different response".

First of all, New Orleans was a city that was built below sea level. For years prior to Katrina, the city dodged the bullet, all the while being appropriated the most money for the Corp of Engineers of any state for the purpose of strengthening levies for such a disaster. Rather than strengthen levies, politicians in Lousiana used the appropriated money in vote-buying schemes. So the Federal government, i.e. the taxpayers of the United States, have been paying for this disaster for years in advance.

Second of all, I find no power for Congress to appropriate money for the rebuilding of a city in our Constitution to begin with. Despite this, the Congress has committed $110 BILLION to the rebuilding of New Orleans.

New Orleans was not the only city to be affected. Other cities, such as Boluxi, MS, took the brunt of the hurricane. I hear no one complaining there. New Orleans was flooded, knowing good and well that it was going to happen one day, and did nothing proactively to help themselves. And now, Ray Nagin, who asserted in racist overtones that God wanted New Orleans to be a "chocolate" city, is screaming that because of the black population in New Orleans, no one wants to help.

Millions upon millions of dollars have been sent to New Orleans and other affected areas by individuals and businesses through private donation. Companies such as Wal-Mart, Home Depot, Microsoft, Pfizer, Dow Jones, and a myriad of other businesses donated millions of dollars to Katrina relief. Even the small, predominately white Baptist association to which my church belongs sent donations to the Katrina relief effort.

Ray Nagin has insulted each and every person who charitably donated their resources to the people in need of New Orleans and surrounding areas. He is a race pimp, stirring emotions of black citizens of New Orleans into re-electing this sorry excuse back into office as mayor. He has made every citizen, particularly black citizens, into victims of racism when in fact they are victims of negligence of local politicians, namely the governor and mayor. Can anyone say "underwater buses?" The only other victimization these people can rightly claim is that they were victims of their own poor judgement. City below sea level + Hurricane = Underwater city.

And I will close with this highly insensitive, but nevertheless brutally honest, assessment of the black residents of New Orleans, and this can go for any race, gender, class, or religion. I personally do not buy into stereotypes of different races and classes of people. I believe that each individual is their own person. Unfortunately, there are those that do. My advice is that if you wish to dispel negative stereotypical behavior of black people as a falsehood, then do not present the negative stereotypical behavior that is associated with black people.


Blogger Wadical said...

He's definitely a racist. He's also a thief...he and his cronies stole the guns of law abiding citizens in that town by confiscating them ilegally. He then lied about doing it. Then admitted to doing it but lied about knowing where the guns were. Then he admitted he knew where the guns were but said no records were kept on the confiscation and many guns cannot be legally matched to their owners and thus cannot be returned.

Have you ever actually listened to him speak? In the most objective opinion I can muster, I'd have to say that he's got to be one of the most ignorant men to wield the power of an elected office that I've ever seen. He's not a very smart man. He says little of substance and spends most of his speeches pandering to the emotions of a racially charged black population. But they love him, don't they? They hug his neck and hand him flowers and tell him how much they love him......then they re-elect him.

Stupid people who there any more frightening thing in the world??

3:23 AM  
Blogger Badbeans said...

There is nothing that makes less sense than to take away the personal defense of law-abiding citizens in a time when they need it most. I heard on Bob Barr's radio show as I was travelling the other day that some legislation is being presented to keep that from happening again.

Nagin definitely hit a new low by dissing New York City. You are absolutely right, Abbie. Nagin should be ran right into New York City on a rail. I am sure that the police officers, firemen, and generally the whole of the people of New York, whom I must say showed the true character of the city in the aftermath of 9/11, would know just what to do with him.

10:51 AM  

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