The Bean Patch

Political commentary and satire, seasoned with personal experience, from the point-of-view of an ultra-conservative member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and the Patriarchy to boot.

Location: Jasper, Georgia, United States

Conservative, Baptist, family man. Married for 13 years with 4 children. Accountant by trade. Bachelor's of Business Administration from Kennesaw State University in Marietta, GA, in 1996. Graduated Cherokee High School, Canton, GA in 1991. Live in Jasper, GA.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

"Judge Not" To The Extreme

The girls and girl-wannabes over at Pandagon take on the bad heterosexuals now raising children.

A woman who molested at least one of her five children and prompted four of them to have sex with each other has been sentenced to 40 years in prison.

And how about a couple of other examples:

As I said in my recent post “Parents“, Florida couple John and Linda Dollar tortured and starved their children, beating them with belts, paddles, switches and whips, kicked them, and took a cattle prod to them. Former Cincinnati City Councilman Sam Malone whipped his son with a belt hard enough to hospitalize him (trying to “beat the black off of him”) and was not judged to have committed a crime.

And so what is the obvious solution?

Yet time, energy and money are spent all over the country trying to make sure law-abiding LGBT citizens don’t have the right to adopt or foster children simply because of their orientation. If it’s all about the children, somehow I think the priorities are not in order if the folks above had zero legal barriers to parenthood by default.

I find it ridiculously humorous when people who seek to dispel general unfavorable opinions about their behaviors use specific examples of others' behaviors at an attempt to make their behaviors look more normal acceptable to the critical eye.

Just because some heterosexual parents are not fit to raise children does not mean that any homosexual couples are fit to raise children.


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