The Bean Patch

Political commentary and satire, seasoned with personal experience, from the point-of-view of an ultra-conservative member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and the Patriarchy to boot.

Location: Jasper, Georgia, United States

Conservative, Baptist, family man. Married for 13 years with 4 children. Accountant by trade. Bachelor's of Business Administration from Kennesaw State University in Marietta, GA, in 1996. Graduated Cherokee High School, Canton, GA in 1991. Live in Jasper, GA.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

The "Right" to Marry

The Supreme Court of the state of Georgia has ruled that the constitutional referendum banning homosexual marriage stands. This was placed on the ballot in November of 2004, and passed by 76% of the voters who participated in the election. Opponents of the referendum have challenged it on the grounds that referendum addressed two separate issues, those being gay marriage and gay civil unions. Constitutional referendums in the state of Georgia must by law address a single issue.

Many of the proponents of civil unions or homosexual marriage claim that their "civil rights" are being violated, and that they are being treated as "second class" citizens. Some even have the audacity to compare their "plight for equality" to that of blacks during their struggles to be accepted into society. But this is bogus.

First of all, marriage is not a civil right. It is a matter of contract law. Many rules exist for people to be eligible for entering into contracts. Marriage is not different. One cannot be legally married to someone else at the time of entering into a marriage contract with another; one must be 18 years of age, or have the consent of the parents if a minor. One cannot marry a brother or sister. Many reasons exist that one cannot enter into a marriage contract with another, no matter how much they may love the person that they want to marry. In the state of Georgia, another qualification for marriage is now that the parties wishing to enter into the marriage contract be of opposing sexes.

Secondly, no one is stating that members of the same sex cannot cohabitate. No law exists that one cannot leave their estate to another of their choosing. One can choose a power-of-attorney of their choosing for medical or financial decisions. Married couples have to do this in a lot of cases. In a lot of states, adoption laws are such that one does not have to be married in order to adopt a child. Health care coverage by your spouses or "significant other's" plan is even allowed by some companies now.

Thirdly, I do not see the police in the streets hosing down homosexuals as they did blacks in days past. Although I do not think that it would be a bad idea in a lot of cases.

And finally, agree or disagree, being black is not a choice of behavior. Being black is something that no matter how much one may wish to change it, they cannot make black skin another color. Homosexuality is a behavior. One cannot look at another (in all cases) and say, "he/she is homosexual" unless they choose to exhibit the stereotypical look of a homosexual. How one expresses his "homosexuality" is through behavior. People are accountable for their behavior. Black people cannot help but be black. Therefore, I would find it extremely offensive if I were black to have the plight of my ancestors compared with someone who is ticked because their choice of lifestyle is rejected as normal by the majority of the world population and throughout history.

And this brings us to the real reason for this debate; homosexuals want their lifestyle to be viewed as normal. My personal belief for this is that they want to behave the way they want, but without the guilt that their behavior is wrong.

I am not going to beat the crap out of someone because they are gay. As a matter of fact, I won't even bother someone who is gay. The only thing that I ask in return is for gays not to shove their lifestyle down my throat and force me to accept their behavior.


Blogger Wadical said...

Very nicely articulated. Clear as crystal. Of course they argue incorrectly and without significant scientific proof that they are born gay. Not true. Not even close. I believe that not only is it a behavior, it is a "learned" behavior.

Drop yer hook in the right water, and you could hook a BIG 'OL FIGHTIN' LIBERAL FISH with this post! Keep draggin', maybe one'll bite!

Nice read, Beans.

5:25 PM  
Blogger Badbeans said...

We have had an influx recently at the place of my employment of lesbians. How do I know that they are lesbians? I answer with a question. How many straight women do you know that look like pudgy 12 year-old boys?

Being gay is a learned behavior. I really have no concept of what would make a man think that another man's hairy butt is sexy, but some do.

I will close this comment by saying this: although I find this behavior as offensive to my sensibilities, I cannot but feel some pity for those who choose this lifestyle. Hate the sin, but love the sinner, and pray that they would turn from the error of their ways.

7:17 AM  
Blogger Darius said...

Damn - I can't remember choosing to be heterosexual.

When did you make your choice? If you describe that, then it might help remind me of the time that I made mine.

I'm convinced that we all choose our sexual orientations and that this is an excellent and psychologically sound theory of how people become sexual. I just have trouble remembering personally, that's all.

It must happen pretty early. I do remember being attacted to girls, in a prepubescent way, as far back as nursery school. I suppose maybe I was sitting between Billy and Linda and asking myself, between slurps of apple juice: "Gee, which one should I find somewhat fascinating without quite knowing why yet?"

1:06 PM  
Blogger Dawg said...

I like Darius.

Darius is a very good writer who makes one think.

Darius asks: When did you make your choice?

The Dawg shall attempt to tackle that question.

I would argue, Darius, that I never chose my sexual orientation. I would argue that I was born with the natural, God given inclination to favor the opposite sex. In my belief, God created me to love and have sexual relations with a female. That is not to say that I can’t love a man, that is a different kind of love. But I digress.

According to the Bible, which I believe is the Word of God, God created us male and female. The writer of Genesis, under the inspiration of God, said in chapter 2 verse 24; ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.’ This verse represents the whole basis of ‘one man, one woman’ who, become one, together.

After blessing them right after He created them in Genesis 1:27-28, God gave Adam and Eve a commandment; ‘Be fruitful and multiply; fill the Earth and subdue it;….’

In the beginning there was only one road plan for the sexuality course. That plan was for a man and a woman to leave their parents, join together as one and populate the Earth. Then sin entered the world through one man (Gen. 3, Romans 5:12) and changed the natural course for us all (Romans 1:18-32).

Here’s the point; I didn’t choose to be a heterosexual. I am sexually orientated the way that God intended me to be. I’m never going to remember a time where I chose to like girls, I was naturally created that way. A homosexual however, chooses to be a homosexual. A homosexual, at some point in his life, for whatever reason (exception: saying he was created that way), chose an unnatural sexual orientation. A homosexual will usually remember a time he chose to be homosexual. He may say he was born that way, but, according to God’s Word in Romans chapter one, that’s just not true.

7:08 PM  
Blogger Wadical said...

Darius, heterosexuality is natural, homosexuality is not. The fact that you can't remember making that choice is proof that heterosexuality is the way God made you. Although many cannot, many other homosexual men and women can remember making that choice. It is often after repeated rejections or bad experiences from heterosexual relationships. Sometimes they "learn" this behavior subconsiously by observing a failed or abusive relationship between their parents.

Science is still "learning" how this behavior may be learned, but it is widely agreed upon that it is probably from a number of different external sources. Those who cling to this theory that homosexuality is somehow a genetic predisposition are cognitively dissonant. Despite repeated failures in the labratory to isolate this "mystery gene", and despite any objective scientific observation that supports it, they continue to assert that the theory is right, and the tests and observations are somehow flawed. (much like the theory of evolution)

It's no wonder that legions of scientists are abandoning this theory and beginning to study the more plausible and likely explanation that homosexuality is learned. Even the much respected APA is backing off their support of the theory of genetic predisposition.

Homosexuality is no different than pedophilia, necrophilia, bestiality or any other sexual perversion. None of the above are theorized to be genetically caused. Why? Because the mind is more complex than the physical laws of genetics. It is there that the answers must lie, albeit difficult if not impossible to decipher.

Not everything is "genetic". If it were, then "theoretically", identical twins would both turn out either gay or heterosexual, but could not turn out sexually different because they are genetically identical. If homosexuality were "genetic" its proliferation would be scientifically impossible. Because of the lack of reproduction, it would have killed itself off, long ago.

The question is not why I or any other proponent or advocate of the idea that homosexuality is learned believe the way we do. Science actually supports that belief. The question is why you and others continue, despite, lack of proof and virtual proof to the contrary, continue to obsinately believe that homosexuality is genetic. I believe the answer lies in personal accountability. If it's genetic, then the person is not responsible for his or her perverted behavior. That, I imagine, feels pretty good when you're the one who has developed a preference for that behavior.

7:25 PM  
Blogger Badbeans said...

I can't remember when it was that I knew better not to eat crap either. I guess based on how disgusting that it was, I naturally did not eat my crap. But there are people who do eat crap.

And if you buy the case that homosexuality is "natural" or "genetic", sounds like you are swallowing some yourself.

I defer to the posts above by Dawg and Wadical. I do not believe I can add anything else.

7:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.

5:43 PM  

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