The Bean Patch

Political commentary and satire, seasoned with personal experience, from the point-of-view of an ultra-conservative member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and the Patriarchy to boot.

Location: Jasper, Georgia, United States

Conservative, Baptist, family man. Married for 13 years with 4 children. Accountant by trade. Bachelor's of Business Administration from Kennesaw State University in Marietta, GA, in 1996. Graduated Cherokee High School, Canton, GA in 1991. Live in Jasper, GA.

Friday, June 30, 2006

A World Without Guns

The United Nations has convened its Small Arms Review Conference. As has been reported by Cam Edwards on, each day has been full of testimony from nations who have sought to restrict the ownership of guns by its citizenry. The ultimate goal of the United Nations is to ban all ownership of guns by the citizenry of the member nations. The only nation who seems to take a stand against this in this conference is the United States. Ironically, though, not all of the citizenry of the U.S., whose freedom from the tyrannical rule of Imperial England was won by common people with guns, stand with the United States in her assertion of the rights of the citizenry to own guns.

A state in which the only people who have guns are the police is a police state. The 2nd amendment has been perverted by the Brady cult to deny that the founders had anyone in mind but the military to have guns in their possession. The citizenry is already at a disadvantage with bans on assault weapons. The government by using the ATF has assaulted and killed citizens that it deemed a threat preemptively at Waco and Ruby Ridge.

Assaults on the 2nd amendment are the most dangerous to our civil liberties. Without the ability to defend ourselves from the government, none of our rights are safe.

The words of Patrick Henry, if I can get this quote right, ring true. "The tree of liberty must from time to time be refreshed with the blood of patriots." Our founders knew that, left unchecked and without the threat of retaliation and a fight from the citizenry, that the government would soon be full of power-hungry tyrants. Slowly over the years, men of this nation have slept, have forgotten the lessons of the past, and have allowed our rights to be eroded and stepped on by our government. We have now came to the point in time that our nation is headed for socialism and hell. A revolution of the people will be the only recourse to bring us back to our foundation.

And if the state is the only one with guns, the only thing that the citizenry will be able to bring will be their knives. Knives at a gunfight lose.

And so it is in nations who have restricted gun ownership. In our own country, we need look no further than Washington D.C. to see just how successful restricting guns are in curbing crime.

Can anyone say "Bilderberg."


Blogger Wadical said...

A standing army is the single most threatening entity to the security of a free people. And make no mistake, that's not the standing army of one's is their own. Madison, Jefferson, and all the others who penned our articles of freedom knew this and meant to ensure the citizens ability to defend against such a threat by having the right to bear arms. Anyone who would argue otherwise is a poor student of history.

Mine will be the last collected.....MOLON LABE!

12:20 PM  
Blogger Wadical said...

Incidently, having visited the Brady website recently, I discovered by no suprise, that they claim the gun control laws in DC (whome they give an A- on their "State Report Card" in comparison to say....Florida who gets and F+) DO work. Yet Florida's gun crimes are far less than DC's. Amazing! It doesn't matter if it's right there in black and white, a little smoke and mirrors is all it takes to mislead an idiot. They refute DC's high crime by blaming Virginia's lax gun laws, claiming that the thugs just travel to Virginia to get their guns. Bullcrap! Thugs don't buy guns in gun stores. Anyone who might question that can just ask a thug....ask 10...ask 100, and they'll all tell you, they bought their heat on the street (if they bought it at all, a great deal are stolen.)And interestingly enough, Virginia's violent crimes involving guns are staggeringly lower than DC's.

It amazes me how many people are content to have people tell them what is true rather than seek the truth themselves. The Brady Campaign is laughable to anyone who's willing to think for themselves. I get the impression that its Brady being pushed around in his wheelchair while his wife champions the cause. When guns are outlawed, they'll have to go after baseball bats...people will kill people as long as people inhabit this planet.

12:43 PM  
Blogger Hamrose said...

I find your references to Ruby Ridge and Waco very interesting in light of your scorn and derision of "the left". I'm sure you can't get much more "left" than the Freemen. Unless we are looking at the left and right from different angles. I agree completely with the vast majority of what you say on your blog. I just find the derision of "the left" puzzling. I'm not sure what attraction "the right" holds when for the past thiry or forty years "the right" has been a mere puppet of the super rich.

11:01 PM  
Blogger Hamrose said...

P.S. I'm not familiar with Vox Day. I'll have to google a link unless you can send me something to check out.

11:06 PM  
Blogger Wadical said...

Vox is linked on this page.

How can you possibly confuse those associated with Ruby Ridge and Waco as being left of center on the political spectrum?

1:07 AM  
Blogger Dawg said...

Wadical -

Hamrose is confused about a lot of things. All you need to realize this is a thumbing through her blog.

7:56 AM  
Blogger Dawg said...

Beans -

You have always been my favorite conspiracy theorist. Do you think you can weave the Bilderbergs and rising gas prices together?

8:06 AM  
Blogger Badbeans said...


When you talk of those in the right-of-center political leaders, I see no difference in them and those on the left. They are puppets to somebody, even it is their own ambition for power. However, right-wing philosophy, or what is characterized as right-wing, usually is in line with the tenets of freedom that were advocated by our founders. Anti-gun sentiments are usually found in left-wing circles. Check out the to see if you have any pro-gun NRA members there. I would guess not. In the Ruby Ridge and Waco cases, neither group attacked by our government were involved in any treasonous acts. The Branch Davidians may have been a misguided bunch of lunatics, but the only reason that I can cull that the government attacked them were due to their possession of firearms. Ruby Ridge is ditto.

The U.N. is made up of mostly socialist or dictatorial regimes that hate our country. They hate us not because we went to war in Iraq or Afganistan, but they hate us because we are who we are and what ideals our nation stands for in the world, despite the fact that our leaders only give those ideals lip service.

What the U.N. pictures as the proper use of a gun would be the photograph taken of the agent pointing his gun at the head of Elian Gonzales's uncle, who was unarmed, to take young Elian back to good old Papa Fidel.


Bilderbergs and higher gas prices? Depends upon how much influence the Saudi's have in the Bilderberg. Since G.W. Bush, his dad, and Bill Blythe were all in the Skull and Bones, and all are cushy with the Saudis, you may be on to something.

7:49 AM  

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