The Bean Patch

Political commentary and satire, seasoned with personal experience, from the point-of-view of an ultra-conservative member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and the Patriarchy to boot.

Location: Jasper, Georgia, United States

Conservative, Baptist, family man. Married for 13 years with 4 children. Accountant by trade. Bachelor's of Business Administration from Kennesaw State University in Marietta, GA, in 1996. Graduated Cherokee High School, Canton, GA in 1991. Live in Jasper, GA.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

No Accountability for Judges

On the 11 o'clock news last night, I caught a story about a judge who had let an accused rapist go on bond. This man was accused of raping a 17 year-old girl, and the judge allowed him to go free after someone posted bond. The man then subsequently is accused of raping a 13 year-old girl.

I am an advocate of the presumption of innocence until proven guilty. But I am also an advocate of common sense when releasing accused perpetrators before trial. If the man was a petty thief, then fine, release him on bond. I can think of a myriad of other crimes, even felonies, that I would say that setting bond would be alright, provided the bond were high enough to give the bond-poster incentive to be sure that the bondee behaves. But rape, murder, and child molestation are crimes that I believe regardless, for the sake of the safety of the public, and whether I am the accused or not, bond should not be set.

I have a daughter, a wife, a mother, and grandmothers. I also have nieces, and daughters of friends who I love like nieces. I do not want to see their lives ruined by rape. The outlooks of women today concerning men are skewed enough by the feminist influence. Sick men who get their kicks from forcing women to have sex do not help to change this outlook. And men who are accused of being sick should be behind bars until trial.

The trial should be as speedy as possible. If evidence enough exists to arrest someone on such a serious charge, then evidence enough should exist to convict him. Honestly, I teeter on this point from the standpoint that innocent people should not be incarcerated to the point that it infringes upon their Constitutional rights, but I also cannot see risking the release of people who are suspected of being as dangerous as a man who would rape young girls.

Judges have discretion, I would think, when setting bond. If this man is a rapist, and is convicted of such, then this judge has blood on his hands. The issue with judicial discretion is that many judges use their discretion in a manner that will further their own personal agenda. Who knows the experiences of this judge or family members that would color his discretion. Judges should therefore be subject to punishment, which would ultimately include fines or removal for negligence in rulings such as this.

Following the dictates of the law and applying the law, which is what judges are supposed to do, could not be an offense that would be subject to punishment. The points that judges should be held accountable for is when they step outside the dictates and application of the law, and use their discretion to make a decision such as this. We are all held accountable for decisions we make in our lives and our jobs. Judges should be as well.


Blogger Hamrose said...

I agree. Who in the hell puts these assholes on the bench and why do they stay there after rulings like this? I believe after a bad ruling decision judges should have a review by their peers and have a ballot cast for removal. Dangerous? Yes, but not as dangerous as a bad or incompetent judge.

4:56 PM  
Blogger Wadical said...

During every election, no matter who sits on that mighty bench, under the section which says "Shall Judge So and So retain his office?" I ALWAYS, as a matter of principle vote NO.

It's too powerful of a position for a man to sit on for life. Too few people act as watchdogs on the judicial system. I actually hear people say "Oh, Judge Kudor, he's been judging for a long time...I say keep him." I say they're crazy.

Sheep....people are sheep....mindless freaking sheep.

12:20 AM  
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