The Bean Patch

Political commentary and satire, seasoned with personal experience, from the point-of-view of an ultra-conservative member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and the Patriarchy to boot.

Location: Jasper, Georgia, United States

Conservative, Baptist, family man. Married for 13 years with 4 children. Accountant by trade. Bachelor's of Business Administration from Kennesaw State University in Marietta, GA, in 1996. Graduated Cherokee High School, Canton, GA in 1991. Live in Jasper, GA.

Friday, August 04, 2006

But the Kids Are Alright

Some incoherent drivle from Mother Jones.

Here in Austin on April 10, the marchers were mostly in college and high school. But the signs they carried often expressed the experiences of the parents. Their message: We came to work. We pay taxes. We appreciate what we have here. We want to be left alone.

What really does not dumbfound me is that how liberals tend to find so much wisdom in children. I began reading and posting on this liberal blog, until I found out that it was a bunch of kids who had no idea what they were saying anyway. Liberals hold themselves to no higher standards than children do, often pitching emotion-filled tantrums, and in their own minds bucking the system because it is the "system".

Let me make something clear: Conservatives are not against immigration. Migrant workers have always came to the U.S., and always will, and we welcome them. We are against illegal immigration.

Not too long ago on a cable station called "Democracy Now", a story ran in which a high school student who committed suicide after he was not allowed by school officials to take part in a staged school walk-out protest over illegal immigration was lionized for his stance and mourned for the tradegy. Of course, school officials were blamed for the whole thing, along with the ongoing debate over illegal immigration.

Only a liberal can equate a stance against illegal immigration as a stance against all immigrants. And not surprisingly, since their thought process is, well, so child-like.

Now I understand why college professors are mostly liberal.


Blogger Badbeans said...

Don't feel ashamed, Patriot. Compassion for one's fellow man is nothing to be ashamed of.

However, being ruled by one's feelings would lead to disaster. Road rage, adulterous affairs, and second degree murder are just some examples of the result of allowing feelings and passions to overrule logical thought and reason.

I have compassion for those in South America, living in conditions that none of us in the states would find to be acceptable. But the disregard for the rule of law, a disrespect for the United States that they are seeking to live in, is a slap in the face of immigrants who have went through the red tape to be a legal citizen as well as natural-born citizens.

But the liberal way of looking at things often involves passion overriding reason. The cause is more worthy if one is passionate enough about it to face punishment or ridicule for it. They focus on temporal humanism, thinking not past the next moment, or next day at the most. Their rejection of traditional values and religion, particularly Judeo-Christian values, and embracing of humanism minimizes their though process to that of emotional reaction.

I will go so far as to say that we of the conservative persuasion have a superior jurisprudence to those on the left.

9:34 AM  
Blogger misty harley said...

Hey, please don't lump us all together. Many of us "liberals" are against illegal immigrants, we are just on the fence about what to do with many who are here that are not breaking any other laws. But that certaintly doesn't mean many of us want to fling the doors open and throw a party for those who illegally cross the border.

We just don't feel the options of what to do with those who are already here, working hard and not breaking any other laws is a black and white issue as so many feel it is. Most of us on the fence do not have answers and that is part of the reason we are on the fence.

But I do agree with Patriot that all angles must be looked at before an opinion can be drawn.

10:13 AM  
Blogger Badbeans said...

One of the problems that we have in our culture today is that we make things a lot more complicated than they really are. Many look at the 1950's "Leave It To Beaver" era as a more simple time. It was not a more simple time. The fact is, prior to the 1960's, people did not overcomplicate things. Today, we make issues so complex that they cannot be solved, or those that make them complex believe themselves to be the only ones smart enough to solve such a complex problem.

You either break the law or you don't. If you break the law, it's either a felony or misdemeanor. Either way, you suffer the punishment that fits the crime, whether it be a fine or jail time. Or, in the case of illegal immigrants, deportation.

Most things would be simple if we would let them be.

7:32 AM  
Blogger Badbeans said...

Maybe my reference to the 1950's and 1960's era was erroneous. Some people overcomplicated things prior to the 60's, but it does not seem that it was quite as widespread in our culture. Black and white existed a lot more in those days, not the tones of gray we hear about today.

7:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know us "kids" on Let Freedom Snore are over 18. People in college have opinions, too, and calling them "kids" who know "nothing" is fairly mean.

4:33 PM  
Blogger Badbeans said...


Go stand in the corner until you are over your tantrum.

1:13 PM  

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