The Bean Patch

Political commentary and satire, seasoned with personal experience, from the point-of-view of an ultra-conservative member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and the Patriarchy to boot.

Location: Jasper, Georgia, United States

Conservative, Baptist, family man. Married for 13 years with 4 children. Accountant by trade. Bachelor's of Business Administration from Kennesaw State University in Marietta, GA, in 1996. Graduated Cherokee High School, Canton, GA in 1991. Live in Jasper, GA.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Margaret Sanger Never Shot Quite So High

The gals at Feministing have exposed the pro-abortion movement in a nutshell. What Jill was really trying to do while posting this little piece on The Rudepundit was to expose the "Pro-Life Movement in a nutshell."

But it's become fairly apparent that "life" has very little to do with being "pro-life." After all, Viagra kills a whole lot more people who use it than RU-486, or the "abortion pill" (not to be confused with emergency contraception, the "morning-after pill") does. For that matter, so does childbirth

This reveals the true agenda of the pro-abortion movement. Supporting so-called "pro-choice" policies by saying that more people are killed by childbirth than RU-486 is like saying that homosexual parents are better parents because there are less instances of child abuse among homosexuals raising children than heterosexuals. Well, duh, that's because there are not that many homosexuals raising children.

I think that we should impose strict 5 gallon water bucket laws because more children die by drowning in 5 gallon waters buckets each year than those who die from gunshots. (A heavy sigh ensues.)

Margaret Sanger only wanted to exterminate the black folks. Pro-abortionists believe childbirth to be a bigger threat to women than abortion. I guess abortion is no threat to anybody if there is no one around to get one.


Blogger Badbeans said...

Jill, and the many like her, have bought the feminist line that motherhood is but an extension of the Patriarchy, and the Patriarchy is evil; therefore, giving birth is evil. And I believe that her use of a statistic that more women die from giving birth, the very means by which God Himself designed for the survival of His creation, than die from taking the abortion pill.

Now anybody that will think a nanosecond about that statement will realize that this is simply because a significantly larger number of women give birth than take the abortion pill. A fairer comparison would be the percentage of women who die while giving birth compared with the number of women who give birth versus the number of women who die from the abortion pill compared with the total number of women who take the abortion pill. Same for the Viagra comparison.

But facts and fair comparisons only get in the way for these people. And since in the minds of feminists God is a product of the Patriarchy, they have no respect for Him.

Jill went on later to throw in a bunch of ideals that she claimed that the "choice" movement stands for, and consequently, implied that the "anti-choice" movement stood against: contraception for all, sex education at early ages, universal healthcare, and the means for poor women to follow through with unwanted pregnancy. I believe everything up until that line. You cannot marry this with the line that pregnancy kills more women than abortion. And I always thought that outlawing abortion would only mean that we would have a lot of children raised in poverty.

If it were not such a sad subject, this would be funny.

7:31 AM  
Blogger Dawg said...

Auntie -

I wrote about abortion a couple times even posted a aborted baby on my Sunday, January 22, 2006 post. It still amazes me how liberals could ever defend and protect this murderous procedure.

Liberals will always try to justify murdering babies with the strangest of analogies and comparisons. But the fact of the matter is this; abortion is homicide, period.

7:43 AM  

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